How To Buy Trade

Trade Accounts

Here at That’s Crackers, we have been designing and producing cracker making kits for many years now, which are available from our own group of companies.  We are now delighted to be able to offer some of our most popular designs directly for sale to trade customers.

These kits will be perfect for boutiques, gift shops and other similar retailers in niche spaces.

Our exclusive cracker making kits, which are available with a trade discount, are sold as a pack of six standard crackers.  Each kit includes crackers, snaps, generic jokes and our exclusive adjustable paper hats.  Ribbons and ties are not included, which enables the person making them to choose a tie that matches other décor or their chosen theme, perhaps even from a range that you sell in your own shop…

All cracker making kits, where a trade discount is offered, are shown in this trade specific space. The price shown is the full retail price, including VAT.  You will need to apply for a trade account here to be able to see trade pricing.  Details are below.

If you require a bespoke product, you only need to reach out to us with details and we will be able to help you explore this option.  There will obviously be minimum order numbers on these, which will vary depending on what is required.  We’re more than happy to explore any option with you though.

Applying for a Trade Account

Before you apply for a trade account, there are a few provisos that we need to make you aware of, sorry!

Firstly, we only sell to bricks and mortar stores – no online reselling of these cracker making kits is permitted, as this will breach copyright conditions.

Our printed crackers cannot be assembled and sold, in any format or in any retail space, online or otherwise.  This is, again, to protect copyrights.

The minimum quantity of any cracker making kit that you can purchase is three.

Only the items in this category can be purchased with a trade discount and these are the only items that can be resold, with the conditions above.

Our carriage charges can be found here and our terms and conditions can be found here.

Payment is required at the time of ordering, which is all completed online, and we only operate credit accounts for long standing customers with regular orders.

Want To Set Up A Trade Account?

Visit our trade account login and registration page here.